Friday, May 2, 2008

Forney Museum (and a slap in the face).

May second, 2008. I have spent the last 15 weeks continuously involved in trial prosecuting murder cases. My kindly boss insisted that I take some time off. So there I found myself, sitting in my house in Aurora, with very little to do. The weather was crummy. The wife was at work. The potential for boredom loomed large. So I went online to Tripadvisor and looked to see if there were any attractions in Denver that I had not yet seen. There were! Among them was the Forney Muesum of Transportation. I thought to myself: why not? And off I went.

The building looks very nice from the outside, and I was optimistically anticipating a good time looking at old cars, coaches, and trains. I went inside and paid my $7.00 admission fee, and then entered a cavernous building chock full of the history of transportation.

Here was a little horseless carriage from 1906 that caught my eye.

Here's a shot at the back.

Note the 2 cylinder engine and the hand crank to start the vehicle. You can also see the chain drives for the wheels, similar to a bicycle chain.

I loved the cloth roof and tassels on this one! From 1903, according to the sign.

I continued to wander through the museum, enjoying the old cars (for that was the section in which I was wandering), then something unusual caught my eye. They have these reproductions of old car ads and magazines posted throughout the museum. Below one of them I noticed an unusual item, pictured below.

I thought to myself, "hmm, this is rather odd. Maybe it is part of the original ad (which you can see in the top of the picture). Certainly a modern museum of transportation wouldn't just gratuitously put up this kind of stuff, I thought. I walked on, and saw another sign, posted below.

I mean . . .really! Who the hell do these people think that they are, drawing me into a perfectly normal seeming Museum Of Transportation all for the opportunity to preach at me? Talk about gall! Talk about nerve! Talk about chutzpah! For crying out loud, I paid $7.00. Getting preached to was not part of the quid pro quo, as far as I could tell.

I walked over to the next car, but I was pretty bothered by the entire situation. I essentially felt like I had been slapped in the face--that they might have well have posted a sign that read: "atheists not welcome here."

I sought out a staff member. I wanted an explanation for this. I found two of them. One of them was apologetic, saying that she agreed that it was inappropriate, and that posting these items was a personal directive from the president of the museum. The other staff member saw nothing problematic with these little attempts to preach to me. I explained to him that I had paid my money to look at old cars and trains, not to get preached to, and that a museum like this was not the place for preaching. I told him that they might as well post a sign that said "no atheists allowed." (in retrospect, it would have been more satisfying to say "no dogs and atheists allowed" as an allegory to the old discriminatory signs about the Irish, but that's hindsight for you). At the mention of the word "atheist" the staff member got red in the face, started shaking, and said that he had to leave. Obviously he had never knowingly been face to face with an Evil Atheist before and just could not stand to be in my presence any more. So he rushed away. What a jackass.

Anyway, I was half tempted to ask for my money back, but there were some more things that I wanted to look at, so I wandered around some more. The whole preachy signs thing had been quite a buzz-kill.

This was a really big car I thought was pretty cool.

An Edsel.

Proof that it was an Edsel.

A U.S. Postal Service carriage, not a horseless carriage, a carriage.

And old electric car, but no information posted.

The Big Boy. The largest steam locomotive ever built.

The wheels of the Big Boy. Very large

I took a picture of me in front of the wheels, for perspective. As you can see, I am still irked.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Lets go a' curling

Lynn and I recently decided to try the Olympic sport of curling. Curling basically involves sliding (or "throwing" in Curling lingo) a 40 pound granite rock (or stone, as it is sometimes called) across an ice rink, to try to get it as close as possible to the target at the other end of the rink. One other feature is using a broom to sweep in front of the stone in order to use friction to increase the surface temperature of the ice directly in the stone's path, which makes the stone go farther.
Here, the "skip" directs a shot for the person throwing the stone at the other end of the rink.
Lynn prepares to throw the stone.

Lynn and our instructor get into some heavy duty sweeping.

Lynn does some solo sweeping.

Lynn considers her shot.

And it was a really good shot after all!

Lynn explains the basics of curling.

Here's a picture of me preparing to throw a rock.

Lynn looks at the "house."

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Star K Ranch

Today I decided to take a trip to the Stark K Ranch, one of my favorite places in my home town, Aurora Colorado. Not many people know that Aurora has its own wilderness reserve, which is home to a herd of white-tailed deer, coyotes, and many species of birds. It also has extensive wetland areas.

This is what it looks like from the air.

The Ranch actually has a very nice nature center with restrooms and helpful naturalists. The nature center is the small building to the right, in the background.

Below is a panorama of one of the wetlands areas at the Star K Ranch, just about to bloom for the spring.

As I was walking along, I noticed something unusual in one of the trees--something that I had not noticed before on any of my trips to the Ranch. I attempted to take a picture of the tree as I saw it passing by, which I have inserted below. Let's see if you can spot it too.

There is a bird's nest in the center of the picture, and you can just barely make out the form of a great horned owl. I put on my telephoto lens to try to get a better shot, but the angle wasn't all too good. My attempt to capture the creature's image is below:

You can certainly make out the owl's ears, and part of her eyes. I moved over a little bit to try to get a better shot, and then enlarged the image as best I could. The result is a little pixelated, but this was my best attempt at a picture of the great horned owl today (below).

I went and spoke the the naturalist, and learned that this is a female great horned owl, and that she has a bunch of newly hatched chicks in the nest with her. The owl's mate was in another tree nearby. He hunts for the female and the chicks, but the female of the species is much larger than the male, so she protects the nest and the young. In fact, the naturalist told me that the male will sometimes take over sitting in the next so that the female can stretch her wings, but if a hawk comes by the male will call to the female so that she can return to protect their young.

The naturalist also told me that the owl's diet consists almost entirely of voles. Apparently the Stark K Ranch has a lot of voles around. This is what a Vole looks like:

After taking a while to soak in the owl, I spotted a little herd of deer (below).

Nice Rack!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Welcome to Festivus 2007

Welcome to Festivus 2007! Here you will find photographs of the Second Annual Festivus For The Rest Of Us at Stately Orman Manor, held on December 15, 2007 in Aurora, Colorado.

For those of you that might like an introduction into Festivus, what it is, and what it stands for, the YouTube video below might be instructive.

For those who just want to look at the pictures, just scroll below the video.

Festivus Explained

Festivus Party 2007!

Ah, Festivus. For the second year in a row, we hosted a Festivus celebration at Stately Orman Manor. We did it just as Frank Costanza would want, complete with The Metal Pole, the Airing of Grievances, and the Feats Of Strength. Welcome to Festivus 2007!

Festivus, of course, is the ficticious holiday popularlized on the sit-com Seinfeld. Frank Costanza (pictured above) founded Festivus, which had three central features: (1) The Metal Pole; (2) The Airing of Grievances; and (3) The Feats of Strength. We had all three at the second annual Festivus For The Rest Of Us celebration at Stately Orman Manor.


In addition to the main foundations of Festivus, we added a new tradition, the Noble Beacon Of Festivus. This is a flashing light that guides participants to the Festivus Celebration. No Festivus event should be considered complete without one.

The Noble Beacon is deployed in anticipation of Festivus

What Festivus celebration would be complete without the metal pole? People love to pose with the metal pole.

Here I am, with the metal pole in the background

More fun with the pole!

Check out the T-shirts!

The Festivus Meal

Of course, every Festivus celebration needs to have a Festivus meal. We don't really know that the menu was at the original Festivus, but we tried to figure out what Frank would want. We think that we succeeeded.

The Festivus Buffet

Enjoying the traditional Festivus meal.

Good Times

Of course, there is more to Festivus than Feats of Strength, Airing of Grievances, and Metal Poles!

A participant enjoys a refreshing beverage.

Everyone is happy at Festivus!

A participant shows off the prize he won for one of the Feats of Strength (the Little Debbies, not the dog).

Who wouldn't enjoy Festivus!

This participant was obviously peeved about something.


Of course, one of the primary events of any Festivus celebation are the Feats Of Strength. This year we had four seperate competitions. One involved holding a gallon of water up with a straight arm.

Here five participants engage in a battle of pure strength.

Now they are starting to get tired.

The pain must have been unbearable.


Unlike the original Festivus, where Frank told everyone assembled how they had dispppointed him in the previous year, we encouraged guests to fill out grievance forms, which were then submitted to a panel of judges, who selected 12 (or so) grievances to air to the Festivus participants.

Here is an example of a Festivus Grievance Form

Here I am with my little megaphone explaining an upcoming grievance to be aired.

Hal airs a grievance

A guest explains the facts surrounding her grievance

As does another.

The assembled masses listen to a grievance being aired


The evening ended with the final Feat of Strength, the Wresting Of the Pole. Here was one of our first heats. Two participants engage in a battle of strength and wits to wrest the pole (here 3 feet of 2 inch PVC pipe) from the other's grasp. The pole symbolizes the metal Festivus Pole, one of the mains elements of any Festivus celebration.

Notice the look of intense concentration in the face of the particpant to the right

The men's competition was similar, except that it used 4 inch PVC pipe